Before and After School Classes

  19FYWR00 - After School Wrestling League VH
  9/25/2019 - 11/2/2019
  4:05 PM - 5:05 PM
  Valentine Hills Elementary Gym:

Sorry this class is full

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Multi-Sports Sampler

The Multi-Sports sampler is the perfect introduction to sport activities. Do your  kids have difficulty choosing which sport they like best? In this after school class, kids will learn skills from a variety of sports including basketball, pickleball, soccer, and more! Learn the fundamentals and skills of sports while focusing on sportsmanship and how to play as a team. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to participate in an enriching class. Register online today!


Grades 1-5 ♦ $115 per participant



Registration Deadline:

September 12

Tuesdays/Thursdays ♦ 4:05 - 5:05pm

September 19 - October 26

No class on 10/19

Island Lake Elementary Gym