Leaders in Training

  24SYLIT- Leaders in Training
  6/17/2024 - 8/8/2024
  Mo, Tu, Th
  9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  Various Parks

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Leaders in Training

Do you want to gain valuable experience this summer? If so, become a Leader in Training! Leaders will meet with staff Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays and plan different activities, projects, games, and discuss what makes a good Playground Leader. Get your foot in the door for summer employment as you gain the experience you need to be hired by some of the local Parks and Recreation Departments. You will be helping out regularly at one of our Playground Program sites. Get ready to have some fun becoming a role model for todays youth! The role of the Leader in Training in the Summer Playground Program is to assist the instructors with the projects and tasks that are assigned. It is important for volunteers to interact with participants, but to clearly understand that their role is to assist the staff, not participate in each activity. Grades 7-9 (Based on grade level entering in 2024/2025) $50 resident, $60 non-resident